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X.LA Foundation—The New Web3 Enterprise By BTC Peers


© Reuters. X.LA Foundation—The New Web3 Enterprise

The crypto market since the launch of the premier network, , has experienced an unprecedented rise in interest in concomitance with an introduction of nascent trends capable of revolutionizing industries. One out of these emerging trends is Web 3.0 [Web3] also known as the decentralized web. Currently the latest buzzword in the burgeoning space, Web3 is the third version of the internet—a massive upgrade from the existing web 2.0.

While Web1 and Web2 have played huge roles in the advancement of the internet and other related services, they, being centralized, have given control of data to tech giants, creating privacy issues. The existing issues of data breaches by giants like Facebook (NASDAQ:) have left the need for a decentralized internet, one where users have absolute control of their data and how it is processed—Web3.

In addition, these previous internet versions have created a world where contributors and workers are not duly compensated for their input towards the growth of projects. This has, again, left a void that needs to be filled.

X.LA Foundation—The New Web3 Project

Built on blockchain technology which is a distributed, permanent, transparent, and immutable ledger, Web3 will leverage these unparalleled features to deliver a faster internet without a central authority system. It has, through the utilization of the distributed ledger, the potential to disrupt almost every industry while offering an advanced peer-to-peer [P2P] internet service devoid of a central institution; granting users total control of their data.

Blazing off on the concept of decentralization and Web3 is the X.LA Foundation project—a community-driven project designed to change the incumbent corporate relationship in the workplace. Aimed at helping people become equal beneficiaries for their work or input while also allowing them to utilize state-of-the-art technologies, X.LA Foundation was built on the concept of decentralization.

Scheduled to launch on February 16th, 2022 as revealed by the development team led by one of the most renowned visionaries in the internet and blockchain spaces, Aleksandr “Shurick” Agapitov, this inceptive project will seek to build an ecosystem where the “average man” is duly rewarded for his contribution towards the proliferation of a project.

With the current rise of non-fungible tokens [NFTs], decentralized finance [DeFi], and other trends in the crypto and blockchain industries, entrepreneurs and visionaries have confidently seized the opportunity and are on course to leave positive marks on Web3 which is presently in its embryonic stage. Placing a valid bet on the adoption of Web3 in the future, Agapitov has created and is set to launch X.LA Foundation as the next phase in the creation of a new internet world ruled by the people.

To help achieve this feat, Shurick has set up a team of like-minded individuals consisting of video game experts and…


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