Indian indices witnessed a negative start to the week on Monday. The new week will have RBI’s MPC meeting, Q3 earnings, US inflation data, among other global cues, in focus. Most sectors were trading in the red except metals, PSU bank, and power. Asian markets saw shares in Shanghai advance, while Japan, Australia and Hong Kong saw a decline.
RBI may increase the repo rate by 20 bps outside MPC: SBI Ecowrap report
State Bank of India (SBI) Research Report stated that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is likely to increase the repo rate by 20 bps outside MPC. The report titled ‘20 bps hike in reverse repo rate outside MPC’ is authored by Dr Soumya Kanti Ghosh, Group Chief Economic Adviser, State Bank of India.
Lupin stock at 52-week low on margin pressure, earnings downgrade
Lupin Ltd’s performance for the quarter ended December failed to lift investor confidence. The stock slipped to 52-week lows on Monday.
CDSL Q3 net profit rises 55%, highest ever quarterly demat accounts added
Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) consolidated net profit for the third quarter ending December 2021 rose 55% to ₹83 crore as compared to ₹54 crore in the same quarter last year. The total income for the quarter under review rose 58% to ₹163 crore from ₹103 crore in the year-ago quarter. Shares of CDSL were trading over 3% lower on the NSE in Monday’s deals.
Sensex slips sharply
L&T top loser
HDFC Bank tanks almost 3%
Kansai Nerolac: Near-term outlook dull for the stock
Shares of paint maker Kansai Nerolac Ltd fell around 3% on the National Stock Exchange in opening deals on Monday. The December quarter earnings of the company were lacklustre, especially as the industrial paints segment, where it is a market leader, continued to lag.
Sectoral indices: PSU Bank gains 4%, Metals shine
Read More: Indices extend losses as Sensex tanks 800 pts, Nifty below 17,300