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Market Predictions Fall Flat Gary Silverman column


Pretty much every day since the new year, I’ve been getting market predictions in my email box, offers to attend “our view of the markets in 2022” webcasts, and even a few folks who want to have a quick chat about what the markets will do this year.

While I do attend some of the webinars as they count as part of my continuing education requirements, I can’t say that I take the information to heart. The reason? They’re wrong.

Gary Silverman, owner, Personal Money Planning

Without naming names, here are some samples from last year:

“We are positive on the outlook for the fundamentals for Chinese equities in 2021…” Well, according to the MSCI China Index, stocks fell over 27% last year.

“Latin American markets have done poorly…. But Latin America is coming back…invest in Latin America if you have the risk tolerance.” You better have had that tolerance since the MSCI Emerging Latin America Index lost 8.1% last year.


Read More: Market Predictions Fall Flat Gary Silverman column