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Activision CEO Bobby Kotick has second secret company that donated to


Bobby Kotick, chief executive officer of Activision Blizzard Inc., walks the grounds after the morning session during the Allen & Co. conference in Sun Valley, Idaho, U.S., on Thursday, July 13, 2017.

David Paul Morris | Bloomberg | Getty Images

Bobby Kotick, CEO of video game maker Activision, has another secret company that he used to donate big money to Republican campaigns.

The company, Norgate LLC, contributed $500,000 through two separate checks to the Senate Leadership Fund during the 2020 election cycle, according to Federal Election Commission filings reviewed by CNBC. That political action committee is run by allies of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and was created to support Republicans running for the Senate.

CNBC had reported Tuesday about another secret Kotick company, called 807080A LLC, which had given big donations to Republican causes.

On one of its two FEC filings, Norgate lists an identical California address to 807080A LLC. The latter firm has contributed at least $100,000 funding Republican efforts, including a super PAC backing former Bridgewater CEO Dave McCormick, who is running for Pennsylvania’s Senate seat in a GOP primary.

The second Norgate FEC filing shows an address that is an approximately one minute walk from the other location, according to Google Maps.

CNBC first reported on 807080A and their donation to the pro-McCormick outside group. Both private companies have matching addresses to two of Kotick’s foundations. The contribution to the Senate Leadership Fund marks the biggest known donation the Activision CEO has made to a political organization.

Donors often use LLCs to conceal their identity and avoid scrutiny as they finance their preferred candidates for office. Real estate executive Stephen Rosenberg used a shell company to back then President Donald Trump after years of supporting Democrats.

While Democrats won a slight edge in the Senate during the 2020 election, Republicans fended off numerous challengers across the country. The Senate Leadership Fund that cycle spent over $270 million against Democrats running for Senate seats that cycle, according to data from the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. Outside of the Democratic victories in Georgia, data shows the super PAC helped Republicans win in North Carolina, Iowa, Montana and South Carolina, among others.

The watchdog Campaign Legal Center flagged the Norgate donations to CNBC. The group said its researchers confirmed that the personal mailbox “PMB K,” which is listed on one of the Norgate FEC filings, corresponds to a single registration known as “personal mailbox K.” The watchdog said its research showed that the names of a Kotick foundation, Norgate and Kotick himself are registered to that mailbox.

Mark Herr, a spokesman for Kotick, told CNBC in an emailed statement on Thursday that the video game executive has given almost the same amount to Democrats and Republicans over the past five years. He also pointed out the work…


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